Troy, also known as "The Lost City", is a country located in Asia minor - Anatoli ( Turkey ) southeastern Europe. Greece is seperated from Troy by the Aegean Sea.
Under the rule of King Ilus it was "vanished" by Hera and occupied by the Blue Cult and could only be located by using the One True Compass. Hercules found Troy using the One True Compass. He trained the banished Trojans to fight and they re-took the city. After King Ilus' death his daughter, Deianeira became ruler, with Waylin, Telamon and Nevus as her loyal subjects and, in the case of Telamon, possible lover (Hercules and the Lost Kingdom").
Shortly after, Deianeira lost power in Troy and it came under the leadership of Paris. After ten years of war with Sparta, Xena was summoned by her friend, Helen of Troy, to help stop the Trojan War. It ended with the Spartans taking Troy and leaving It in ruins. Paris died in the conflict, but Helen escaped with assistance from her guard Perdicas. It is unknown what became of Deianeira, Telamon, Waylin, and Nevus.