Legendary Journeys

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ToyBiz, now called Marvel Toys, is a division of Marvel Entertainment. Beginning in 1995 they created a line of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys action figures and accessories with three waves of 5 inch figures and two waves of 6 inch monster figures. In 1998 they created a line of Xena: Warrior Princess figures and dolls with two waves of 6 inch action figures and three waves of 12 inch dolls.

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys

5 inch Figures: Wave One

5 inch Figures: Wave Two

5 inch Figures: Wave Three: MT. Olympus Games

6 inch Monsters: Wave One

6 inch Monsters: Wave Two

10 inch Figures


Xena: Warrior Princess

6 inch Figures: Wave One

6 inch Figures: Wave Two

6 inch Figures: Wave Three

12 inch Dolls: Wave One

  • Xena Doll
  • Gabrielle Doll
  • Callisto Doll

12 inch Dolls: Wave Two
