Sparta is one of the many city-states or kingdoms of Greece, home to the Spartans. It is located in the Peloponnese, and includes several villages, such as Mizola. (XWP: "One Against an Army")
Prison ships, like the Enyalios, transported wanted men to Sparta.
The court system was operated by a magistrate. Trials were allowed to occur without the presence of the accused (in abstentia) and counsel was not guaranteed. (HTLJ: "Mercenary")
- Prior to the Trojan War, Xena spent some time in Sparta and met Helen. (XWP: "Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts")
- Rhodos believed that the Titans were powerful enough to make him King of Sparta, and maybe Argos. (XWP: "The Titans")
- Marcus was one of Sparta's magistrates, and was known for being more interested in furthering his career than the individuals he judged. He held Spartan law in high esteem over even common justice. (HTLJ: "Mercenary")
- Derkus Petronicus was arrested and tried for the murder of a public Spartan official named Lycus. He was found guilty in abstentia and sentenced to death by hanging. With the help of Hercules he escaped his sentence and left Sparta to be with his family. (HTLJ: "Mercenary")
- Nebula spent some time in a Spartan prison. (HTLJ: "Web of Desire")
- Sparta participated in the first Olympic Games organized by Hercules. Spartans Atalanta and Damon participated for their kingdom in those games. (HTLJ: "Let the Games Begin")
- Sparta sided with Greece in attempting to stop Persia from conquering them. Many Spartan soldiers were outnumbered and slaughtered near Marathon. (XWP: "One Against an Army")
- In an alternate universe, Sparta was one of many kingdoms conquered by Xena the Conqueror. (HTLJ: "Armageddon Now Part 2")