Persephone is the daughter of Demeter. She is queen of the Underworld, spending six months of every year with her lover, Hades, and the other six with her mother, Demeter. This arrangement was devised by Hercules as a compromise to make all three Olympians happy.
Persephone herself wanted to be with Hades, but realized that she would miss her mother if she stayed in the underworld full-time. (HTLJ "The Other Side")
When Iolaus was killed by the Enforcer II, Persephone encouraged Hades to grant Hercules's request that Iolaus be allowed to live. Whilst Iolaus was in the Underworld, Persephone re-introduced him to his father, Skouros, and gave them a chance to finally work out their differences. As a result of her meddling, Hades allowed Skouros into the Elysian Fields to live with the original Enforcer. (HTLJ "Not Fade Away")
To be added
Persephone proves to be kind, calm, respectful and considerate.
Powers and Abilities[]
As an Olympian Goddess, she has the basic Powers and Abilities of every Olympian, she seems to be a goddess related to nature.
- Power Over Nature: To be added
Like most mothers and daughters, Demeter and Persephone are quite close. Demeter thinks her daughter is too fragile and naive and fears that her gentle nature will be taken advantage of. She keeps Persephone close at all times, this becoming an overprotective mother. When Persephone is "kidnapped" by Hades in HTLJ "The Other Side", Demeter fears the unimaginable horrors her daughter is going through and tries to help Hercules bring her daughter back. When he refuses, the Harvest Goddess declares that the earth will become as barren as the coldness of her heart, wiping out crops and starving many mortals to death.
“You know, Hades really isn’t so bad. He just has this reputation of being cold and uncaring. I think he’s wonderful. If he’s been cruel to anyone in Tartarus, it’s because they deserve it. And besides... he’s kind of sexy.”
- In Greek mythology, Hades is the brother of Zeus, who is the father of Persephone, this making her Hades' niece.
- In Greek mythology, on their father's side, Persephone and Hercules are half-siblings.
To be added
- HTLJ: "The Other Side"
- HTLJ: "Not Fade Away"