Legendary Journeys

Lucifer, later known as The Devil or Satan, was an archangel who became the King of Hell due to the machinations of Xena. (XWP: "Heart of Darkness") As killer of Mephistopheles, Xena was supposed to became the Queen of Hell herself, but she "helped" the very overconfident archangel Lucifer to make Seven Deadly Sins, making him Fall, and corrupted by the seven sins, Hell accepted him as his new king. Presumably that Michael had planned this to happen.

Lucifer's Powers and Abilities are similar or equal to the powers of earthly gods. He could teleport, fly, energy blasts, immortality he also has supernatural strength, stamina, enhanced reflexes power over demons and hell.

Background []

Lucifer was portrayed by Alex Mendoza in his first appearance, as both archangel and archdemon and Joel Tobeck in his second, as an archdemon only.

  • Lucifer is the name given to an ambiguous word in Latin translations of the Old Testament Book of Isaiah, which is rendered in Greek as "morning star". Over time, Lucifer/the morning star came to be understood as a fallen angel and later became equated with Satan (who although antagonistic, is not described as having fallen).


