Legendary Journeys
Legendary Journeys

This is a non-comprehensive list of those have directed movies or episodes. Directors with individual pages are not included.

Table of Contents: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Timothy Bond[]

Directed "The Fire Down Below", "The Wedding of Alcmene", and "Long Live the King"

Charles Braverman[]

Directed "The Green-Eyed Monster"


John Cameron[]

Directed "Genies and Grecians and Geeks, Oh My"

Rodney Charters[]

Directed "Reign of Terror"

Richard Compton[]

Directed "Descent"

James A. Contner[]

Directed "Under the Broken Sky"


Peter Ellis[]

Directed "The Festival of Dionysus", "Pride Comes Before a Brawl", and "Heedless Hearts"


Robert Ginty[]

Directed "Warrior... Priestess... Tramp"

Ken Girotti[]

Directed "The Ides of March"

Chris Graves[]

Directed "Two Men and a Baby" and "A Lady in Hades"

Janet Greek[]

Directed "King Con"

Paul Grinder[]

Directed "Married with Fishsticks" and "Lifeblood"

David Grossman[]

Directed "Love, Amazon Style"


Gary Jones[]

Directed "Prodigal Sister", "The Greater Good", "The Giant Killer", and "Intimate Stranger"


John T. Kretchmer[]

Directed "Cast a Giant Shadow", "A Solstice Carol", "Monster Child in the Promised Land", "Beanstalks and Bad Eggs", and "The Prodigal"


Michael Lange[]

Directed "Doomsday" and "Web of Desire"

Alan J. Levi[]

Directed "Men in Pink"

Allison Liddi[]

Direted "Little Problems"

Chris Long[]

"City of the Dead" and "Darkness Rising"


John Mahaffie[]

Directed "War Wounds"

Stewart Main[]

Directed "Promises" and "Death Mask"

George Mendeluk[]

Directed "As Darkness Falls" and "The Other Side"


Lynne Naylor[]

Directed Hercules and Xena - The Animated Movie: The Battle for Mount Olympus

Adam Nimoy[]

Directed "A Wicked Good Time"

Patrick R. Norris[]

Directed "Daughter of Pomira"

Bill L. Norton[]

Directed Hercules and the Amazon Women and Hercules in the Underworld


Steve Polivka[]

Directed "If I Had a Hammer..."

Stephen Posey[]

Directed "Siege at Naxos"


Simon Raby[]

Directed "Valley of the Shadow"

Robert Radler[]

Directed "Let There Be Light"


Marina Sargenti[]

Directed "Here She Comes... Miss Amphipolis"

Philip Sgriccia[]

Directed "Darkness Visible", "Twilight", "Resurrection", and "Hero's Heart"

Gilbert M. Shilton[]

Directed "The Furies"


David Warry-Smith[]

Directed "Sacrifice"

James Whitmore Jr.[]

Directed "The End of the Beginning"

Anson Williams[]

Directed "Remember Nothing", "Mummy Dearest", and "King For A Day"
