Before Odin turned to violence and warmongering, Grinhilda commanded his Valkyries as a powerful force of good. She was his lover as well until Xena usurped both positions
For all her martial skill, she was most at home in times of peace, seeing combat as a regretful necessity.
Back in Xena's ruthless days she stole the Rheingold and forged it into a ring to take the powers of a god, and forced Grinhilda to wear it. Grinhilda, not having forsaken love, was transformed into a monster (she valued her beauty most). Xena chopped off her ring finger to get the Ring back, and then trapped for 36 years.
Unknown to all, Grinhilda was the mother of Grindl. She was already pregnant when Xena took the ring from her: he was afflicted by the curse in utero and became a monster. He may have been the son of Odin. When Xena heard about Grindl's rampage, she assumed that Grinhilda had finally broken free, and she teamed up with Beowulf and Brunhilda to stop "her". Xena discovered the truth after examining Grindl's corpse and realizing that he had all his fingers.
A vengeful Grinhilda then teamed up with Odin to get revenge on Xena, but the warrior princess managed to turn the tables, break the curse, and free her former friend. Grinhilda returned to her position as a Valkyrie and forgave Xena for her actions.
Later on, Grinhilda conspired with Xena to bring love and war back to Earth by stealing the Golden Apples and restoring the powers of Aphrodite and Ares. Amongst other things, she acted as Nigel's confidential source, using him to ensure that Aphrodite was in the right place at the right time.
- Although her name, personality and redemption are largely original, Grinhilda is Grindl's mother, and for the most part fulfills the same role as she does in the original poem, that of a stronger and more menacing foe who seeks revenge against her son's killers.
- Grendel's mother has been traditionally portrayed as a monstrous beast like her son, but recent scholarship has cast considerable doubt onto the issue: the Old English word ("aglæc-wif") used to describe her was until recently translated as "wretch, or monster of a woman", but a more accurate translation seems to be "woman warrior". The Xenaverse adaptation takes both interpretations into account, having Grinhilda be a female warrior who is transformed into a monster.