Legendary Journeys

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Porphyrion in his altered form

Porphyrion is portrayed as leader of the Titans who appear during The Battle for Mount Olympus. He draws his power from the earth and appears to be composed of plant roots and dirt (maybe rock), he is humanoid in form.

His form is later altered by Hera to appear with horns, empty wings, as well as one large 'trunk' instead of legs. He is extreme in his height compared to his last form. His body now has the ability to instinctively produce extremely durable thorn like vines that can travel at high speeds, these thorns can grow or form from seemingly anywhere that the earth is. He uses this power during the last battle with Hercules as well as seizing the cronos stone from Hera.

He is the only Titan to wake up before his transformation; Screaming at Hera before transforming. Writhing in pain during the process, he is shown becoming accustomed to his powers rather quickly. Porphyrion shows high accustomization towards his new abilities, adapting to his new form almost immediately.

Porphyrion is the only one of the 4 to actually possess the Cronos Stone and he does so with much vigor. Having his eyes turn the shade of green as the stone grants him more power. During the final battle of Mount Olympus, he is the final Titan to be thrown into Tartarus. He meets his end when he is dropped into Tartarus by Hercules from the sky.

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  • In Greek Mythology, Porphyrion is actually a Giant. During their war against Olympus, Porphyrion attempted to strangle Hera, but Eros "rescued" her by shooting Porphyrion with one of his arrows, causing Porphyrion to try and rape her instead. Zeus, seeing this, hit him with a thunderbolt, incapacitating Porphyrion long enough for Heracles to deliver the final blow.




Earth Titan from Disney, this one is called Lythos and has no association with any Titan from mythology but it's the same Porphyrion.
