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- Camp Boss
- Cannibal
- Cantankerous Gent
- Captain (A Star to Guide Them)
- Captain of Guards
- Captain of the Guards
- The Captain
- Carpathian Man
- Chariot Owner
- Charioteer
- Chief Elder
- Chief Executioner
- Chief Monk
- Child (Faith)
- Child (Reunions)
- Chloe
- Citizen (Atlantis)
- Citizen 1 (Atlantis)
- Citizen 2 (Atlantis)
- Clapper Loader
- Cocktail Waitress
- Cohort
- Cold Child 1
- Cold Child 2
- Comic
- Constable (The King of Thieves)
- Cool Hercules
- Court Bailiff
- Court Officer
- Cretan 1
- Crewmember
- Critic 1
- Critic 2
- Crossbow
- Crowdmember
- Crushed Soldier
- Customer (Under the Broken Sky)
- Customer 1 (Sisters)
- Customer 3 (Sisters)
- Customer 4 (Sisters)
- Customer 5 (Sisters)
- Fake Eryx the Boxer
- Farmer (Con Ares)
- Farmer (Had a Hammer)
- Farmer (Hercules on Trial)
- Farmer (King For A Day)
- Farmer (Monster Child)
- Farmer (Other Side)
- Father (Hercules on Trial)
- Father (Prodigal Sister)
- Female Client
- The Ferret
- Fire Fighter
- First A.D.
- First Mate
- First Mate (Web of Desire)
- Fish Monger
- Fisherman (Pride Comes Before a Brawl)
- Fisherman (The Power)
- Fisherperson
- Fishmonger
- Foreman
- Freedom Fighter
- Gabrielle Look-alike
- Galea's daughter
- Galea's son
- Gambling Villager
- Gate Guard (Doomsday)
- Girl Being Heckled
- Gossip
- Gravedigger
- Gravedigger 1
- Gravedigger 2
- Grocer
- Gryphon Elder
- Guard (Broken Sky)
- Guard (Heedless Hearts)
- Guard (Highway to Hades)
- Guard (King of Thieves)
- Guard (My Fair Lilith)
- Guard (Prince Hercules)
- Guard 1 (Mummy Dearest)
- Guard at Corinth
- Guard in Glider
- Guy
- Haggard Woman
- Harried Man
- Head Guard (End of the Beginning)
- Head Guard (Solstice)
- Head Guard (Strange World)
- Head Peasant
- Head Rowdy
- Head Sister
- Head Soldier
- Healer
- Henchman (...And Fancy Free)
- Henchman (Monster Child...)
- Henchman 1 (Love Takes a Holiday)
- Highwayman
- Hordemaster
- Hunter (Encounter)
- Hunter (The Enforcer)
- Landlord
- Lead Sentry
- Lead Soldier
- Leader (Games Begin)
- Leader (Highway to Hades)
- Lieutenant (Encounter)
- Lieutenant (Promises)
- Lieutenant (Unchained Heart)
- Lieutenant (War Bride)
- Little Girl (One Fowl Day)
- Little Girl (Rock and a Hard Place)
- Little Kid
- Lookout
- Lout
- Lover Boy
- Lover Girl
- Lowlife