Legendary Journeys

Artemis Goddess of the Hunt and Wildlife, the moon and patron goddess of some Amazons tribes, the daughter of Zeus. (YH: "Inn Trouble")

She was the patron goddess of Syros. She is also considered "one of the Greatest of all Olympians". (HTLJ: "The Apple")


Artemis is daughter of Zeus, therefore she is the sister of the other children of Zeus, her mother is unknown.

She considered herself a "jock", and sometimes fought with her sisters Athena and Aphrodite, to which she was the middle child. She offered Iolaus the opportunity to become the greatest hero or best wrestler in the world as long as he voted for her to win a beauty contest against Athena and Aphrodite, but he chose Aphrodite instead. At one point, Artemis said she did more than 10,000 push-ups every day, but then she became "out of shape" and could only do a mere 10,000. (HTLJ: "The Apple")

The Amazons had a special connection to Artemis. Dead Amazons would be burned in a funeral pyre to send their souls to the Goddess. This tradition is depicted where Xena refers to her as "Artemis, the Moon Goddess". This is the first reference to the Goddess, and Artemis was mentioned far more often than she was seen. Amazon legend purports that the Amazon Nation was founded by Artemis.

Amazon High and Lifeblood show the true origin of the Amazons and Artemis is not present. She may have gotten involved later. According to Bellerophon, at some point Artemis taught the Amazons useful knowledge and skills.

Ares foresaw the breakup of the Amazon Nation into separate tribes, and warned Artemis of this, but she did not prevent it for unknown reasons. After separate tribes were created, Artemis gave the Shimax tribe a remnant of the Kronos stone in order to prevent certain deities from taking over the tribes. (HTLJ: "Love, Amazon Style")


According to an ancient story, King Liberius affronted the goddess by hunting in her sacred forest. She turned the king into a deer for a brief period, before realizing he had learned from his mistake and transforming him back.


One of her devotees was Kora, who prepared her harvest offerings for Delos. When Strife and Discord stole Artemis's harvest offering, Kora was put in charge of investigating the theft. This was one of the first times that Hercules realized that the Deities can be unfair. He was framed for the theft by Strife and Discord, but Hercules was able to convince her that he did not steal the food and proved that it was Strife and Discord. She severely punished the two deities for their theft. She displayed a sense of fairness somewhat unlike her siblings and rewarded Kora, Hercules, Iolaus, and Jason with a "money-melon" full of dinars for their trouble. (YH: "Inn Trouble")

The basilisk Ruff was placed under the protection of Artemis on her sacred island. (YH: "Mysteries of Life")

When Iolaus was chosen to judge a beauty contest between Artemis, Athena and Aphrodite, Artemis offered Iolaus the ability to be a greater warrior than even Hercules, or the greatest wrestler or runner. In the end, Artemis lost out to Aphrodite. (HTLJ: "The Apple")

When Hera released several Titans, Artemis turned Gabrielle into a giant bird in order to enlist the help of Xena in combatting these Titans. She joined Zeus, Iolaus, Xena, Gabrielle, Aphrodite and Ares in fighting the Titans, but was transformed into a rabbit by Hera. This was later reversed. (The Battle for Mt. Olympus)

After her bow was stolen from the Temple of Artemis by Autolycus, she sent Hermes to contact Hercules about retrieving it. Autolycus sold it to Discord. Hercules later returned the bow to Artemis. (HTLJ: "Porkules")

Powers and Abilities[]


Artemis possessed the typical Powers and Abilities of the Olympian Gods includingn bestow mortals with special gifts such as her devotee The Huntress, a character in Young Hercules, or Iolaus in the apple, becoming the greatest warrior this world has ever seen (even greater than even Hercules), or the became the worlds greatest wrestler, or fastest runner.

  • Animal Transmutation: Artemis as hunt goddess possesses arrows with enough power to turn gods & humans into some animal or convert an animal into human form. It is deduced that Artemis is the only Olympian with the power to turn a god into an animal, Discord like a chicken, asked Ares to tell Artemis to change her .(HTLJ: "Porkules") It is presumed that the power of these arrows is given by Artemis, she is also an expert archer.
  • Immortality: Artemis has the ability to live infinite life span as well as immunity to all sorts of diseases.
  • Invincibility: Artemis is invincible to all sorts of weapons (swords,axes,crossbows) as well as all magical powers from the Gods although these powers can hurt her but not kill her.
  • Power Over Weather: All Olympians has the power to control and manipulate the weather bring out storms , tornadoes ,rains and Lightning.
  • Power Over Elements: Artemis has the power to control and manipulate the elements by throwing fire and lightning from her hands as well as creating powerful Fireballs capable of killing Mortals as well as hurting Gods..
  • Teleportation: Artemis has the ability to teleport to any place whatever he sees fit either on earth or Olympus.
  • Conjuration: Artemis has the power to create beings out of thin air she conjured an hour glass to xena.
  • Time Manipulation: All gods have the power to manipulate time but they often don’t use unless it’s extremely necessary and because it’s restricted by Zeus himself to use.
  • Super Strength: Artemis’ super strength can send people flying as well as gods it seams Artemis’s super strength is so powerful because Discord & strife was so afraid of her.
  • Energy Blasts: Artemis has the power to shoot powerful Blue Energy blast capable of killing mortals and hurting Gods.
  • Invisibility: All Gods have the power to make themselves invisible to all mortals they can't be seen or heard by them.
  • Telekinesis: Artemis has the ability to move objects , mortals as well as gods with her mind.
  • Healing: All gods have the power to heal mortals but they can’t heal mortal wounds this ability is restricted by Zeus as well as Athena but for.
  • Shapeshifting: Artemis has the alter her appearance to take whatever form she likes Artemis often Disguises as a powerful Rainbow light that shapes as a woman.


  • Master Archery: To be added



  • Arrows: To be added
  • Bow: To be added


To be added



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In the comic version of Xena the past changes and the events of the twilight occurred differently, this makes Artemis alive as well as other Olympians killed in the confrontation against Xena and Eva.
